Care to Share program

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A Smile at Smith Smiles Family Dentistry

The trust you have demonstrated by selecting our practice and your referral of others is sincerely our greatest compliment. To express our appreciation, our "Care to Share" referral program is designed to both thank you, our current patients, and to help your friends, family, and others learn more about our practice.

What is Care to Share

Many of you refer people to our office every day and we wanted to show our appreciation by developing this special program. Please pass along one of our enclosed Care to Share certificates to friends and family so that they can join our growing family practice!

Here's How it Works

Simply print the certificate below. Place your name on the Care to Share certificate and pass it along to friends, family, co-workers, or anyone who is in need of a dentist or a new dentist. Whether they need a teeth cleaning, interested in Invisalign, need restorations, or a nightguard to prevent bruxism we are here to help them with all of their dental needs! Ask them to call and set-up an appointment. Tell them to bring their certificate with them to their visit, so we will know to thank you in a very special way. You and each person you refer will get a $50 credit on your account for your continuing care.

Care to Share Limitations

The care to share certificate is valid for new patients only. It can't be used towards an initial exam and cleaning. There is no limit on the amount of money you can accumulate with each certificate for each new patient referral. The certificate credits can be saved up on your account and used toward future treatment or in house dental products such as but not limited to electric toothbrushes, whitening kits, and waterpiks!

Why Care to Share

Many people don't realize that dental care can be different, and they may stay with their current dentist because they think dentists are all the same. By sharing your positive experience, you can help them find a better dentist that they will be happy to see. They trust your judgement, and you can help them make a change for the better. Your referrals become some of our best patients because they realize how remarkably different, they are treated at our practice compared to other dental offices. We look forward to welcoming your friends, family, co-workers, and others to become part of our practice.

Thank you so much for your continued support of our dental practice.
Dr. Heather Smith & Staff


Click below to download a printable Care To Share certificate ↓

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